

European IT product goes head to-head with U.S. industry giants

décembre 2003

BitDefender Professional antivirus sales rise in France

Last months' figures taken from the French market research studies show a steady rise in retail sales for a romanian-based firm's antivirus product. SOFTWIN's BitDefender Professional climbed steadily in the retail sales charts, going from fourth to second - where it is now - in a matter of months, and seems poised to top the chart and become the best selling software tool in France.

Bogdan Irina, Worldwide Sales & Mktg. Manager at SOFTWIN refused to comment on whether the recent wave of anti-American feeling in France is a factor in the US companies' slumping sales. Bogdan Irina did go on the record saying "I wish to express my admiration for our French partners - Editions Profil - who made all this possible and also for our french customers, who can tell a good product when they see one, irrespective of what brand or nation makes it".

Irina denied rumors that SOFTWIN will go public, stating: "Our results would enable our owner to float or sell the company at great personal gain, but we are committed to a philosophy of customer care and gradual development, so this is not an option. The recent past has shown that the market instability is detrimental to the software development process. We, as a company, try to see beyond the much-flaunted bottom line. We achieve quality partly because we aren't being pressured by shareholders to maximize profits at the expense of everything else, like other IT players are".
